SS3 SINGAPORE ; Sunday, January 30, 2011 01:46


went to watch my first kpop concert at the sis with fiona, melo, terence and kkimyong.

and our schedule today was horrible because we literally rushed after training in the morning to get the tickets and back home and out again and we were LATE. but they didn't start on time anyway so we were considered EARLY!

i think i should invest in a proper camera because i think that the pictures i took with my 3gs are quite sucky, ALTHOUGH WE WERE SEATED QUITE CLOSELY TO THE STAGE.

i guess, it's really a different feeling from watching a live performance in front of you than watching a "live performance" on youtube. although kkimyong was going deaf.



cny shopping part 1 ; Sunday, January 23, 2011 18:18

part one of elmo shopping.

my agenda was to find a pair of jeans, a pair of shoes, and an optional belt and shirt. walked around bugis junction and illuma, only to find that i don't have jeans my size or length. THIS SHOWS THAT TALL PEOPLE SHOULDN'T WEAR JEANS. tell that to my army camp.

shoes. i really have no idea what type of shoes to buy. went to everlast but none of the designs caught my attention, which is sucky. i have less than 2 weeks to the chinese new year and i haven't bought anything.

and i haven't gymed at all this week to make things worse. which means, my monday, wednesday and friday would be reserved for gym. WHICH MEANS, I NEED TO SHOP AND FIND SOMETHING BY THE NEXT WEEKEND. DIEDIEDIE.

who wants to shop for me?


blazers party! ; 01:13

thanks to those juniors who organised the blazers party today! (:

it was my second bbq in 2 days at the opposite ends of pasar ris park but i didn't care!

the process of organising an event isn't easy and there are bound to have many problems.

i'm sorry that i didn't read the description carefully and assumed that we could reach anytime between 1500-2200. for that, i apologize.

all of you really tried and put in the effort. and i want to name names but i don't know if i know all of you so in case i miss out any, i shan't name anyone first!

pictures, later!


; Saturday, January 15, 2011 16:09

i love cheerleading.

but i don't know if i can say the same for blazers, after what's become of it now.


end of leave period ; Monday, January 03, 2011 10:02

it's a new year already.

i guess, i've been really happy the past two weeks. i got to return to my previous life for awhile, ate poly food and did everything i want freely, and i've been really really happy.

and it's not that i'm upset that i need to go back to camp tomorrow. if the holiday is too long, i'll probably slack off and take things for granted, and the previous six months that i've spent adjusting to army life would be wasted. so i'm actually looking forward to going back tomorrow.

thankyou blazers, and everyone else who have made the past two weeks SO FUN! <3


reflections of 2010 ; Saturday, January 01, 2011 04:53

2010 has been a really rough year for me. i graduated from tp and enlisted into a new life.

the key events would be firstly, my second and last nationals representing tpblazers at the national cheerleading championships 2010 at the singapore expo. what made me cry after our performance was not because we didn't win anything, but rather the effort, time, pain and blood we shed together throughout my past two years. you've really changed my life. even going back for training after i've graduated doesn't give me the same, homely feeling as it did before.

secondly, my graduation. three long but memorable years in temasek polytechnic had ended for me. i've graduated with a diploma. it's ironic that when you're in school, you'll keep complaining about how much it sucked but when you're out of it into the world outside, you'll realise how fun that studying actually is. and till now, i still miss that feeling. i miss sleeping in the engine concourse and slacking at my favourite block 11 while waiting for each other. and the really nice friends and lecturers that i've made, you guys are the best! (:

thirdly, my enlistment. one day after i had attended my graduation ceremony and received my diploma, i received my enlistment letter telling me that i would be enlisted a month later. i was in shock and disbelief and i had absolutely no time to prepare at all. at that time, i was still happily working in fish&co. and poof! just like that, 260610 came. a day before i enlisted. i was serving my last day as a cheerleader at the monster workshop in punggol. the next day, i was carrying my bags with my family and going to pulau tekong. i still remember how emotional and reluctant i was. but alas, six months have passed already.

next, i passed out from bmt. and that was then i realised how much i missed it. how much fun there actually was in there. my posting was to oeti. WTF I'M GOING TO BE A MECHANIC? that was pretty much how much i felt when i first saw the paper. i wanted to ooc but i didn't. a new life was born in arc for a month, before we reluctantly had to clear everything and move to a brand new kranji camp iii. and two months later, we graduated from oeti. THIS BIG THANK YOU IS FOR ALL THE STK INSTRUCTORS WHO HAD BEEN VERY NICE TO US THROUGHOUT OUR COURSE! (:

finally, i got posted to my unit. hq cbre dg. seletar camp. OR SELARANG. i still hope it's seletar though. and i met my secondary school friend, wei jie, there. although only four of us from oeti got posted there, the mechanics there quickly accommodated us into the place!

many other crucial things have happened to me throughout the past year. blazers. all of you have positively affected me directly or indirectly, something that i really cherish. <3

a picture i took just now.

nice, isn't it? (:


# je suis
5years; true green amksian
tpcian - diploma in infocomm

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tp blazers cheerleading

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until the last moment

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team spectrum
tp blazers



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