LEGACY RECRUITMENT DRIVE ; Sunday, March 28, 2010 23:21
i went for legacy's open training at bhcc today, and based for the first time since..i can't even remember. and i realised that being stagnant and not able to base sucks. okayy backspotting is important but it isn't as fun as basing.
learnt new things, chatted with people from other teams, and concluded with a deep thought that i'm still thinking of now.
i think it's highly likely that i'm going to juggle two sides. i guess i wasn't given enough opportunities in tp for whatever reason that i don't wish to know now that i've graduated. let it remain that way forever.
been pms-ing, exposing my split personalities.. sorry to those that i've accidentally vented my anger on. and those who listened and talked to me. (:
; Tuesday, March 23, 2010 23:43
i guessed, wondered, pondered and stalked and now i guess i just confirmed it.
some things were waiting to be given up. i'd be lying if i say i didn't see this coming.
oh wells, isn't it.
blazers nationals team 2010 ; 00:48
proud to be a blazers cheerleader!(:
volume 5: redemption FINISHED ; Monday, March 22, 2010 01:29
i'm going to watch glee tomorrow and finish watching my movie lists!
volume 6: brave new world
kinda describes me, doesn't it.
national cheerleading championships 2010 ; Sunday, March 21, 2010 01:15
it's over, is it? just like that.
the past two years i spent in cheerleading has really been the best days of my life. i made wonderful friends who shared the same laughter, hardship, tears and joy together. even if i'm graduating, so what? my heart will always be with tp blazers.
- ncc2010 at singapore expo.
senior high. 1st - magnum force 2nd - rp rexaz 3rd - sp gusto
honestly speaking, it's sad that we didn't win anything with the effort we put in. however, cheerleading isn't all about winning medals. medals are just a physical matter that shows the effort you've put in. this effort can be shown in other ways such as cheer spirit and fun.
larry emphasized that he wanted to see the cheer spirit in us and i guess we did him proud. we did coach proud and most importantly, we did ourselves proud. winning a trophy is only figurative. we had fun and we gained experience.
blazers. i know you will win the trophy next year. stop shedding tears of disappointment now. i only want to see you shedding tears of joy for the future.
open category. 1st - ntu aces team red and wildcards 2nd - none 3rd - ntu aces team blue
congratulations to wildcards! you really did yourself proud by standing up to the challenge. for the effort that you've put in, you've been duly rewarded. keep up the good work! (:
no further comments. sensitive topics. -
2010-2011 blazers committee. captain mentor - kelwin captain - fiona vice captain - guan feng secretary - michelle quarter master - justin
congratulations to the new committee. i hope that everyone would give the new committee your fullest support and guide them along the way. especially our dearest captain mentor!
CHEEROBICS 2010 ; Saturday, March 20, 2010 00:54
the national cheerleading championships 2010 is finally here.
it also marks the end of my two years in tp cheerleading. yeah it's sad but my heart will always be with you guys!
LAST TRAINING WITH TPB TOMORROW :'( ; Thursday, March 18, 2010 02:49
2 years with tpb in cheerleading. and i'm reaching my last official training tomorrow. time really flies, doesn't it.
i wonder what would life be without training every monday, tuesday and thursday. what would life be after nationals this saturday. i've graduated from it.
it's a really weird feeling. i can't comprehend.
imagine being all hyped up for nationals. okayy, i will be. i don't need to imagine that. after after that, what's next to come. i don't know.
fuck off ; Saturday, March 13, 2010 01:02
firstly, you are fucking irresponsible.
secondly, you've fucking self-conceited and you think that you're the king of the world. and i don't fucking care.
FINAL EXAM RESULTS ; Friday, March 12, 2010 14:56
fyp : b sip : pass netsec : c ccom : b+ mcom : d mmns : b+ apel3 : pass
on the lesser side, i've graduated peacefully. no supplementary papers. i'm done with tp. going to miss a lot of people there. :(
; Thursday, March 11, 2010 13:44
when i realised that i know so much so much that people don't even realise it
ignorance is my new best friend
; Tuesday, March 09, 2010 07:54
GOOD MORNING! it's been a long time since i'm up so early.
; Sunday, March 07, 2010 20:25
last two weeks.
not going to complain. everything's going to be perfect. we'll outlive expectations.
picture perfect.
lose yourself ; Saturday, March 06, 2010 13:47
if you had one shot, one opportunity to seize everything you ever wanted; one moment would you capture it or just let it slip?