last day of 2007 ; Monday, December 31, 2007 23:16
i didn't go to school today. okayy, i didn't even know there were lessons today.
today's the last day of 2007. and i do agree i need more night life. or rather, more friends. i realised i'm spending most of my time at home when i'm supposed to be outside feeling the atmosphere.
i sound highly anti-social. but it's okie if you think that way. 'cause i won't deny it.
anyways, school starts on wednesday! the bad news is, i'm going to get back ALL my term test results. i've got a 3 hour break in between and i end school at 6. omgf.
i wanna go out! anyone? call me. i'm so desperate. (:
happy new year everyone!! ((:
; Sunday, December 30, 2007 17:39
i've got two more days of holidays. actually, school starts tomorrow. but to think that i'll go school for 1h of oop lecture seems redundant. hence, it's a self-declared break. after all, who wants to go school on new year's eve.
this holiday..has been used as a total getaway from work. i'm not that proud to say i haven't touched the least work these past two weeks. the next 6-7 weeks are gonna suck anyway. relax while you still can.
i went to wesley's house just now. borrowed his sling bag and helped him to install fifa08. it also made me realise that cm0102 is the best. the rest are more updated, but vintage is still better!
i happened to be in the area. you know. i thought of. went for a walk. found it. then i didn't have the courage. so i left. :(
the weather is horrid. it changes from rain to sun in less than five minutes. wtf.
it's CHRISTMAS day ; Tuesday, December 25, 2007 20:58
today's christmas!
like my brother says, it's becoming more commercialised. that's not much point left in celebrating.
anyway, it's not my family tradition to celebrate christmas. we don't exchange gifts. at most, we'll just drink wine.
i forced myself to go out today, mainly because i didn't want to spend christmas at home. already went for a city harvest event yesterday already. something you wouldn't usually watch me do.
then again, i failed to feel the atmosphere of orchard road during this festive season. i just didn't have the company to bring me to walk along the streets.
i actually played lan with gerald on a fine tuesday afternoon. where's all the mood gone to? or rather, where are all my friends? i sound desperate. omgf.
to think that i'm due to be in school tomorrow for project discussion. no one told me the time. they didn't even care to inform all the group members. and, it's amid the christmas mood. so unless i know the time, i won't be going to school tomorrow. will be busy in the afternoon too.
you life
christmas EVE ; 00:15
where are my friends when i want them? it would have became the second consecutive year that i'm spending my christmas eve at home.
this time, i was at singapore expo with my family. there was an event organised by city harvest church. actually qiming invited me, but he was going for the earlier service at jurong west. i went on my sister's friend invitation with my parents.
say, i wasn't there for the religious purpose. just felt that the performance was interesting and what they said were all very meaningful. something to think about.
this isn't what i want to say but there seem to be more girls than guys. i wouldn't mind attending more services! (:
come to think of it. which friends do i have that are really close to me. only a handful of them now. qiming, gerald, chanmeng, shiyuan?
why does my life always revolve around people? i'm learning. i'm trying to exercise self-control on myself. i don't have to beg people to go out with me. i will never be desperate. sighh.
okay my entry title says christmas eve but actually, it's into christmas already. another day i'll spend at home? thoughts?
anyway, merry christmas to all my readers and everyone else out there! i may or may not wish you in sms, but i'll still wish you here! ((:
22 ; Saturday, December 22, 2007 15:46
today's the 22nd. sighh.
weather was good this morning, so my father drove us to pasar ris to cycle. brought my bike along!
price of bicycle rental has increased. it's now $6/hr. remembered it was around 4 years ago. cycled for two whole hours. 1040-1240. we went through park connectors and wanted to go all the way to changi beach, but decided that it was too far.
lunch. my father suggested eating at changi point. i can't believe that i cycled there! from pasar ris park to changi village. a whopping 5590m. plus we cycled before that too! an hour. being tired isn't an option.
the market was beside the ferry terminal to pulau ubin. as expected, there were many students. and it's crowded too. i shall find a day to venture to pulau ubin for another cycling trip!
no photos, just this. (:

today's the 22nd.. it's been two long years venturing on my own still, waiting for that day hoping for one more chance
you're the queen of my heart two years ago, now, and the future i said i'll love you forever and i mean it ((:
chanmeng! lol ; Friday, December 21, 2007 21:13
i finally went out! monday was the first outing since my holiday started. spent the past three days at home staring at my laptop.
met qiming for gym at 1230. pool after that cause we were waiting for chanmeng. first of the spendings - $7.00.
lunch after that. kfc buddy meal. $7.20. he paid five. chanmeng came while i was trying to devour the chicken breast. i think kfc standards has dropped. the skin is outrageously oily. i felt bad after that.
he had an appointment at toapayoh at 1900. the clock read 1610. so we went lan. hard to imagine chanmeng went with us. there were this 3 kids who amazingly challenged us. these were my scores. (:
3on3. round 1 - fy_iceworld top: 83/3 round 2 - cs_assault top: 35/10
but i think, it's just for the fun. enjoyed myself more today though. haven't seen chanmeng for a long time other than just meeting for soccer.
sentosa! ; Monday, December 17, 2007 22:57
i was informed last night by shiyuan and confirmed by liangsheng that there will be an ite class outing at sentosa today.
to think i had actually expected a large number of people, and 14 people turned up including me.
ls said to meet 0840 at harbourfront and shiyuan woke me up at 0835. i was like, wtf. we were the super late people. okayy, we reached before 10. met amin and nizam cause they went up the wrong exit like us.
vincent came, surprisingly. the guys comprised of me, sy, ls, vc, amin and nizam. many whom i thought would come, didn't. supposed they were working.
entrance to sentosa is at $3. i remembered it was $2 a couple of months ago. inflation.
met this amksec girl as we were finding a spot along siloso beach. got to know that she was jeanette from 4b07. played volleyball with them, then with these dating? couple from america and canada.
they made my volleyball skill look hopeless. well, i really should learn from scratch again. found out that volleyball is actually a very fun sport and an alternative to soccer.
and i scored my first point from a spike! (:
the rain come in..and never looked like stopping. the cut on my right elbow..didn't look like it was going to heal.
anyway, we took the monorail to vivocity after we washed up. kinda fed up by the rain cause we couldn't do a lot of things. and ls had a super both leg cramp!
we stopped at banquet for dinner. sy, vc and me skipped it because the price wasn't very appealing. ls' friend came along after that.
they decided to stroll around the mall. my clock read 1805. it looked to be 8. me and sy left early after venturing through the top floors of the mall and our legs couldn't take it.
i had godiva dark chocolate drink! $9. :(
was home by 2100. really like the environment in sentosa. although the post-effective ensures you will get sunburned. oh wells. sentosa would miss its peaceful state once the ir resorts are complete.
and i miss all my ite friends!
se7en: nothing to hide ; Sunday, December 16, 2007 18:24
for the past day including today, i really felt what it's like to be independent. my mother and sister are out of town for a tour somewhere in malaysia and are due back late tonight.
my brother has his daily plans and my father does the housework. i seem to be pampered here, spending my time these two days staring at my laptop playing games and the least work.
and it was also a time to bond with my father 'cause we're together most of the time, being at home or for meals. i don't know why and can't describe it, but i felt a different change in me this weekend.
two days of the holidays are gone. i'm mentally preparing myself for the thought that school's going to start soon. haven't been feeling myself lately. pms-ing. (:
there's going to have big soccer games tonight. slightly smaller than an elephant. liverpool-manu at 2130 and arsenal-chelsea at 0000! predicting a draw for the first game and maybe arsenal edging chelsea after that.
soccer..sighh ; Friday, December 14, 2007 23:32
last paper telsys is the best and easiest paper of the lot, though i think i lost around 6 marks.
played soccer in the temasek street court after that. think we had almost all the guys from our class there. shiyuan called me halfway to play at toapayoh. you see, when you want to play soccer no one calls you. when you are playing, you get all the invitations.
anyway, i didn't play until my whole body ached for a long time coming. and this was what soccer did to me. no more goalkeeping! :(
worse, i can't sleep properly for nights. zz.
+++ last ; 09:19
i played soccer yesterday!
was at the gym with gerald. then cm called me. but i agreed to lan with him first. for the first time, we went raiders and purely played fifa. overall score from 6 matches we played was tied at 3-3, though i had a superior gold difference.
scores are as follows. lost 4-9, won 8-2, won 9-2, lost 3-0, won 12-8. the games somehow seem meaningless. we're scoring for fun. unfortunately, thats virtual soccer.
finally returned to dolphin with the usual people of sengui, chanmeng, weizhang, harry, affrim's(spell?) class of school team soccer. as usual, we're the only chinese team. and there were so many people i could say if you lose, you'll have to wait an hour for your next turn.
anyway, i left at 920. supposed to go by 8 coz i still had a paper today. cuts all over my limbs. but overall, playing with them is a real more challenge than with shiyuan and xiaomarc. 'cause, the standards are all higher there.
so, wish me good luck for the last paper at 1530! it'll probably be soccer after that with f704 if the sun stays. but i'll still rush home to watch zhumeng! (:
status: 3 down, 1 left ; Wednesday, December 12, 2007 18:11
i'm blogging from my desktop coz i kept my laptop away for the week due to term tests. trying to discipline myself.
status: 3 down, 1 left
i hate emath2. i seem to know the questions when i practise at home, but die on the actual paper. quiz was round 1 already. sighh. hope to pass.
i hold netfund with the highest regard of the subjects mainly because this is my chance for the best marks and highest chance of passing. still, max would be around 30/40.
oop. i don't know what to say. didn't really study coz i didn't know how to. mcq was more of a killer than the programming questions. still, they weren't easy. another hopping to pass subject.
matchday4 has yet to come. telsys on friday. the last and final one. another reading subject like netfund. i WILL do well. (:
i saw grala and samantha today! one i couldn't recognise but neither did she. oh wells.
STUDY ; Friday, December 07, 2007 23:58
it seems that i'm going to watch animes for the first and last time. came across these two from recommendations on the net, so i decided to check them out. currently loading spirited away and howl's moving castle.
a little deterred by the crackdown of the downloading of animes.
anyway, the last day of term 3 passed hours ago. gym with gerald just now, then lan as usual. i'm getting worse by the days. zz. either buck up or quit. lol.
and they're done! 3 hours on my laptop. omg.
anyways, it's study after this! good luck favian. ((:
ARGH FRENCH! ; Wednesday, December 05, 2007 20:47
today's french listening and writing test shall be declared the worst-est paper i've ever taken.
i thought i had sat for an alien lauguage. writing still had a chance of passing, though with spelling mistakes that'll probably lessen it. listening was omgf. jerome still said that tues eng class had one girl with 20/20. wtf.
i MUST pass french and i know that. coz my gpa for this semester has a high chance of being lower than my 1.1's record of 2.3. my actual aim before i came poly was to attain gpas of not less than 3. and even getting that for a cumulative now wouldn't be easy.
last two days of school tomorrow. then it'll be term tests with emath2 starting off.
plus, mrstevenlee wants us to come back to school mininum twice during the holidays for webapp production. there's still telsys, and possibly oop to be given on friday. then i can say goodbye to my holidays.
after all, i reckon i'll have to spend a lot of time studying during the two weeks. term tests 15% and flung-able, so i've to put in more effort. work. zz.
6 days to term tests ; Monday, December 03, 2007 20:44
i think i'm failing 1.2. my laptop seems to be more of a liability. i think it's greed.
in 1.1, i used to revise or sleep when i reach school early. now, it's cm. it's not like i even use my laptop for much studying.
6 more days to term tests. i'm entirely unsatisfied with ALL my quiz results. but i don't seem to be doing anything about it.
netfund: 6/10 emath2: 8/30 telsys: 4/10 oop: max 27/50
rainie at bukit panjang plaza! ; Sunday, December 02, 2007 21:28
i haven't done this for a long time. and i didn't even know there was an event, until someone told me. and i'm considering myself a fan. well, i'm not die-hard. (:
went to bukit panjang plaza today to see rainie! chuachukang change lrt there. first time. omgf. for a moment, i thought there was a bukit panjang mrt stop on the red line.
gerald accompanied me there, since he's having holidays. shiyuan and jiayi couldn't make it, and qiming was 99% at church so i didn't call him.
1pm. superstars are never punctual. but their fans queue from hours before.
she sang two songs! que yang and the cute dancing one. sorry, i failed my chinese so i don't know the name. autograph session after that. consolation was, i waited for less than an hour. xiaomarc called me for soccer as i was leaving.
i went with gerald to wisma first coz i agreed earlier. he bought a $37 wallet. rich. lol.
soccer after that! first time i played since my holidays ended 22october? zz. can't run anymore. thought i played suckily.
anyway, photos today!

backdrop before she came

these are a few.. the rest are kinda blur. oh well. (: